Natural Health Products Ingredients Database


What's New is a listing of modifications to the NHPID since the last update. This page was most recently revised on January 21, 2011.

This is a new release to the NHPID web application containing the same data that was last updated on January 12, 2011.


You are looking at a new release of the NHPID which contains bug fixes and enhancements such as the display of homeopathic ingredients, the presentation of PDF versions of the monographs, and the display of pre-cleared information (monographs and labelling standards) in ingredient search results.

New Ingredients

No Changes.

Removed Ingredients

No Changes.

Revised NHPID Names

No Changes.

Revised Proper and Common Names

No Changes.

New Roles

No Changes.

New NMI Purposes

No Changes.

Other Ingredient Modifications

No Changes.

Monograph Modifications

PDF version of monographs now available.

AbLS Modifications

No Changes.

Controlled Vocabulary

No Changes.

Homeopathic Ingredient Modifications

All homeopathic ingredients are now visible.


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